Sunday, November 23, 2008

King of the Ants

I LOVE revenge films. I find there is nothing I like better when I'm feeling down more than watching some poor schmuck get the ever-loving shite beat out of him/her and watching said schmuck get their oh so deliciously cold dish of revenge. It's well known among my friends that the "Kill Bill" films are at positions 1 and 2 on my list of all-time favorite films. "King of the Ants" is quite high up there as well, and I never tire of telling people about it. But you've gotta be prepared...revenge films are never pretty, nor easy to handle, and "King of the Ants" is no exception.
Directed by Stuart Gordon, who is one of my favorite directors, (he just finished the harrowingly good "Stuck" featuring Mena Suvari and Stephen Rea....I definitely recommend that one as well, but when I say harrowing, I mean it...) but he is best known for his wild b-movie classic "Re-Animator".
Sometimes...we make mistakes. We're all human. We tend to screw up a bit. Our lead character, Sean Crawley...well, let's just say...he made a slight error in judgement. See, Sean's mistake landed him on the wrong side of some pretty unsavory criminals...including an unimaginably sweaty George Wendt, (who apparently is a huge fan of horror films, and was one of the films' producers) and the oldest, most slimy, Baldwin brother. These guys proceed to lock Sean up in a shed and beat him over the head with a golf club. But, as with any good revenge film, Sean eventually gets to lay down some swift retribution. They really pushed the limits in this never really think they're gonna hit Sean with that golf club up until they do, and it is BRUTAL And then they do it again. And again. And oh my god NOT AGAIN!!!
WARNING: this trailer is NSFW, but it's the only one I could find...