So....Timecrimes you guys. Have you seen Timecrimes? Because you should see Timecrimes. I think it's written somewhere in the Book of Geek that if you are a geek, you must love time travel and the unending, mind-warping, tantalizing paradoxes it raises. Such as: Will any human ever be this cool, ever again?

The answer is no. You will never be this cool. Marty McFly is the truth.
Hollywood is pretty obsessed with time travel lately, as well. Especially Sirs Abrams, Lindelof, and Cuse. You three are responsible for blowing my mind after last week's LOST finale. My brains are still stuck in the carpeting. There will be a cleaning bill in the mail. The last time a movie about time travel really threw me, literally jaw on the floor, was Primer. By the way, have you seen Primer? Because you should see Primer. And now, we have Timecrimes, which left me sitting on the couch, in shock, for about...oh, three minutes, before I leapt up to do a victory dance and promptly knocked my shin on the coffee table. So that's...something. Directed by the Oscar-nominated Nacho Vigalondo, (smashing name!) Timecrimes is an incredibly simple, elegant, and concise time travel film (something that is a pretty incredible achievement). It's incredibly organic, rather than sci-fi; it has a very distinct realistic feel to it, it seems very rational. Timecrimes starts out as a slow burn, with a regular joe, named Hector, leading a rather ordinary life...and then suddenly veers into "ohmygodohmygodohmygodwhatthehellwasthat?!!" territory so quickly, it's physically jarring. Using time travel as a plot device, rather than the focus of the film, Timecrimes rapidly settles into noir/pulp/thriller territory, as we find our regular guy Hector trying to outwit and outlast his duplicate, time-travelling selves. Timecrimes is one of Magnolia's Six Shooter Film Series, which also includes the incredible and previously reviewed Swedish vampire film, "Let the Right One In" and Michael Rapaport genius superhero film "Special". The other films in the series are on my Netflix list, and I am looking forward to them with great anticipation. Check out Timecrimes you guys: